Friday, June 21, 2024

Pilar Starts to Train with Jorge and Plan Trip to Vargas Ranch (Book 3, Chapter 13)

    Over the next few weeks, Jorge taught Pilar to use the exercise arena for Prince, with the long line, to give him regular exercise outside of the barn. She was allowed on his back only once a week, when they ran a practice race with another horse and rider. They also practiced riding techniques by sitting in saddles on wooden stands, and reviewed what a real race would look like, and how she had to respond to things like running into other horses or tangling whips. 

“Most importantly,” he told her finally, “you must remember to stay away from the other horses whenever you can. If there’s a chance to put some distance between you and them, so that they can’t touch you, do it. It’s safer for you to be on your own. But don’t give up your lead if you don’t have to. If you must stay in the pack, protect yourself, your whip, and your horse. They will see that you are small, and they will try to take advantage of you. We have to make you strong enough that they cannot do it.” 

Their plan was to get to the ranch several days prior to the race and rest the horses. If they were there early, Jorge thought, they would get a chance to walk the track and see what the conditions were, there. They would know if there were tighter turns or weak spots, and Pilar would be prepared. No races would be permitted prior to the event, but they would be allowing people to either walk the track on foot or walk it with their horses. It would be Pilar’s best chance at seeing what she was up against.

“Mama, you will be coming to the Vargas ranch, won’t you? I want to know that you’re there with me,” Pilar said, when Elizabeth walked into the stable during one of their planning sessions. 

“Absolutely! I wouldn’t miss it for anything.”

“Do you think I can win?” Pilar asked honestly. She knew that her mother had faith in her, but also knew that her mother would tell her the truth. 

She watched her mother hold her breath for a moment, and braced herself for the worse. But when she spoke, Elizabeth assured her that Pilar would in fact be the winner. “I know you can do it,” she said, squeezing Pilar’s shoulder. 

Pilar turns her attention to Prince’s saddle and continued polishing it, smiling to herself. Yes, she believed she could win as well. She had been working so hard, and Jorge had been drilling her constantly. Prince was ready. She was ready. She would win her mother that gold, she promised herself. And a new stallion for the breeding shed.

She would be a hero. She and Prince. 

“Your brother, Santiago, would like to come as well,” her mother said quietly. “Would you mind?” 

“Oh, it would be fun to have him along,” Pilar agreed. “Maybe he will meet a young lady to dance with.” She smiled again, and continued to polish the saddle. She never tired of teasing Santiago about the many girls in the area. One of them would become Santiago’s wife, she knew, and come to live with them on the ranch. It was only a matter of time.

Until then, she would continue to ride him about which girl had caught his eye that day. And he would continue to tease her about loving horses more than she loved the people around her.

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Pilar, Santiago and Enrique Run For Their Lives from Rancho Arroyo with Horses and Wagons from the Water Now Covering Rancho Arroyo (Book 5, Chapter 7)

     Sleep was fitful that night for all three of the siblings. Where normally the soft patter of rain on the roof would lull them to sleep,...